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Web Rings

Remember webrings? That classic internet phenomenon of the early web1.0 era, which was a great way of finding and connecting to like-minded souls across the internet…

Well after almost dying off under a deluge of feeds, ads and apps - the good old webring has been making a resurgence over the last few years. And in this, the claimed year of the web renaissance, they are truly gaining ground again.

This is due is no small part to the tireless efforts and commitment of a bunch of dedicated netizens, who, in various ways cook up a ring system - and a front-end to enable enthusiasts to join. Which is no small task at all… And then you have to factor in the work in maintaining and curating the list of members - phew.

I’ve joined a web ring!

This site is now the proud member of none other than the CSS JOY webring, which i’m celebrating with this post 🥳
As a fan of CSS crafting I’m very much at home is this ring and looking forward to a bit of web-spelunking to explore it :)
Thanks to the wonderful Sara for putting it together!

I’ve also applied to join the geekring and fediring, so watch this space…

You can find the webring links at the bottom of the main page (click back at the top of this page and scroll down)"

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