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We ❤ Termux

Termux is an android app that turns your smartphone into a ‘proper computer’, essentially by providing a command line interface. Why is this good? Well two primary use cases are posting new content to your websites, and also a bit of coding too. There are many other things you can do, but I’ve found it’s a good way to do computing on the move - within the limitation of a touch screen interface of course.

It’s really quite clever what they’ve been able to pull off. Of course Android itself is a Linux distribution, so that gives a headstart, but still.
You can add sessions (more than one active terminal window); change fonts and colour schemes with termux-styling; and of course use the usual tools like apt/pkg, vim, ssh, go, alongside your regular faves ls, cd, mv etc.

This post itself has been written and posted from Termux, using a bluetooth keyboard (K380). The workflow is something like:

cd <project-root-dir>
hugo new content/
vim content/
aspell -c -x content/
cd public/
git add .
git commit -m 'commit message'
git push

Sublime. You can also hugo serve from another session to preview and check everything is to your liking.

It can also be useful to run scripts to keep track of invoicing, write notes/to-do lists (see todo), or generally be a useful mobile option for on-the-go computing. Like publishing blog posts from the top of a bus…

No affiliation, just a fan :)

The app is available from F-Droid. Not on the gxxgle app store, but who wants to use that anyway?

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